Well, Stacee tagged me to do this little survey thing, so...here goes nothing!
10 years ago...1. I was a senior at Trinity Christian High School
2. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life
3. My friends kept telling me I was going to have 12 kids...sheesh...
4. I, too, was obsessed with tanning (don't worry stacee, you weren't the only one)
5. I drove a totally awesome 1990 Mercury Cougar!!
5 things on today's list1. Clean the bedroom
2. Clean the kitchen
3. Take Andrew to the pumpkin patch
4. Go to Diego's birthday party
5. Work on school stuff...ugh
If I were a Millionaire (Stacee, I think we thought of the same things...great minds think alike, right?)
1. Pay everything off
2. Build our dream house...including a shop for Cory's obsession with cars...
3. Travel all over the world
4. Start a fund for Andrew's college, and savings
5. Repay everyone who helped us out over the years.
5 Places I have lived (actually only lived in 2 places)
1. The good ol LBK
2. Austin
5 Jobs I have had1. United Supermarket
2. County Line Restaurant
3. Worked at a Daycare (for a VERY SHORT period of time...)
4. Covenant NICU
5. Covenant Pediatrics